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Durinya semua
berwarna putih susu, tanpa ada warna lain
Muka dan bulu bagaian bawah
tubuhnya berwarna putih
Kulitnya berwarna merah muda &
matanya berwarna merah
Hidungnya juga berwarna merah
Salt & Pepper
berwarna putih dibalut hitam
Mukanya putih dengan warna hitam
pada hidung & telinga
Bulu pada bagian bawah tubuhnya
berwarna putih
Warna kulit pada bagian atas
tubuhnya berwarna hitam
Hidungnya hitam
sebenarnya lebih kearah corak warna, bukan warna baru pada Landak Mini
Corak Pinto dapat dilihat dari
adanya kekurangan warna pada durinya dan kulit dibalik durinya
sehingga terlihat seperti
bercak-bercak putih
diluar bercak putih, warna durinya
sama seperti Salt & Pepper
putih, dibalut warna hitam, 30-50% durinya putih solid.
Bulu perut bawah berwarna putih.
Mukanya berwarna putih dengan
warna hitam di telinga & hidung.
Warna kulit pundaknya hitam sekali.
Warna hidung hitam.
Matanya berwarna hitam.
Charcoal (Snowflake Gray)
antara 30% - 70% putih solid, sisanya berwarna putih dibalut hitam dengan
ujungnya berwarna coklat karat.
Mukanya berwarna hitam.
Warna kulit pundaknya abu-abu
Warna hidung hitam.
Matanya berwarna hitam.
Silver Charcoal
seperti charcoal diatas, hanya saja durinya berwarna putih dibalut dengan warna
abu-abu terang.
Mukanya berwarna hitam.
Warna kulit pundaknya abu-abu
gelap, hampir hitam.
Warna hidung hitam.
Matanya berwarna hitam.
Platinum (dasar hitam)
Durinya antara 95%
- 97% putih solid, sisanya berwarna putih dibalut warna abu-abu muda.
Kupingnya berwarna hitam.
Mukanya berwarna hitam.
Warna kulit pundaknya berwarna hitam pekat.
Warna hidung seperti hitam.
Matanya berwarna hitam.
Platinum (dasar coklat)
Durinya antara 95%
- 97% putih solid, sisanya berwarna putih dibalut warna coklat.
Kupingnya berwarna hitam.
Mukanya berwarna coklat muda.
Warna kulit pundaknya berwarna abu-abu muda.
Warna hidung warna hati gelap, hampir
Matanya berwarna hitam.
Brown Snowflake
antara 30% - 70% putih solid, sisanya berwarna putih dibalut warna coklat muda
Beberapa duri juga mungkin dibalut
Mukanya berwarna muda.
Matanya ada cincin biru muda
disekitar sisi luar.
Warna kulit pundaknya berwarna
merah muda dengan sebagian kecil pigmen abu-abu.
Warna hidung seperti hati dengan
bercak hitam.
putih dibalut warna coklat muda kayu oak.
Tidak lebih dari 5% durinya yang
solid putih.
Muka berwarna muda.
Pada matanya terdapat lingkaran biru muda disekitar sisi luar matanya.
Kulit pundaknya berwana merah muda
dengan sedikit pigmen warna abu-abu.
Warna hidung seperti hati dengan
bercak-bercak hitam.
putih dibalut warna coklat gelap.
Mukanya berwarna coklat muda.
Kulit pundaknya berwarna abu-abu
Hidungnya berwarna hati gelap,
hampir hitam.
putih dibalut warna coklat muda "cinnamon".
Tidak lebih dari 5% durinya yang
solid putih.
Mukanya tdk ada warna dominan.
Perut bawahnya putih.
Kulit pundaknya berwana merah muda.
Warna hidung seperti hati.
Black Eyed Cinnicot
putih, 50% nya dibalut warna Cinnamon dan sisanya warna orange beige pucat.
Kulit pundaknya berwana merah muda.
Mukanya tidak ada warna dominan
Pada matanya terdapat lingkaran
biru muda disekitar sisi luar matanya.
Warna hidung merah muda campur
warna hati.
Matanya hitam
Dark Gray
putih dibalut hitam dengan sedikit warna coklat seperti karat dibagian ujung
luar durinya.
Yang lainnya sama seperti Salt &
Pepper kecuali pada kulit pundaknya berwarna abu-abu gelap, hampir hitam.
Hidungnya berwarna hitam.
putih dibalut hitam dengan sedikit warna coklat seperti karat dibagian ujung
luar durinya.
Wajahnya berwarna hitam.
Kulit pundaknya berwarna abu-abu.
Hidungnya berwarna hitam.
Ruby Eyed Cinnicot
putih, 50% nya dibalut warna Cinnamon dan sisanya warna orange beige pucat.
Kulit pundaknya berwana merah muda.
Mukanya tidak ada warna dominan
Warna hidung merah muda campur
warna hati.
Matanya berwarna merah ruby gelap
putih, 75% nya dibalut warna orange beige pucat dan sisanya warna
Kulit pundaknya berwana merah muda.
Mukanya tidak ada warna dominan.
Warna hidung merah muda campur
warna hati.
Matanya berwarna merah ruby.
putih, dibalut warna orange beige pucat.
Bagian perut bawah berwarna putih.
Mukanya tidak ada warna dominan.
Warna hidung merah muda.
Matanya berwarna merah ruby.
Pale Apricot
putih, dibalut warna tegas orange kuning pucat.
Bagian perut bawah berwarna putih.
Mukanya tidak ada warna dominan.
Warna hidung merah muda.
Matanya berwarna merah ruby.
Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Snowflake
putih, dibalut warna tegas orange kuning pucat.
Bagian perut bawah berwarna putih.
Mukanya tidak ada warna dominan.
Warna hidung merah muda.
Charcoal White
antara 95% - 97% putih solid, sisanya berwarna putih dibalut hitam dengan
ujungnya berwarna coklat karat.
Mukanya berwarna hitam.
Warna kulit pundaknya abu-abu
Warna hidung hitam.
Matanya berwarna hitam.
Brown White
antara 95% - 97% putih solid, sisanya berwarna putih dibalut warna coklat muda
Beberapa duri dapat juga bibalut
warna coklat
Mukanya berwarna muda.
Matanya ada cincin biru muda
disekitar sisi luar.
Warna kulit pundaknya berwarna
merah muda dengan sebagian kecil berpigmen abu-abu
Warna hidung warna hati dengan
bercak hitam.
Although the term "Algerian''
is commonly used to refer to a species of
hedgehog, the
also recognizes it as a separate colour category
from that of the White-Bellied colours. A
hedgehog exhibiting the colour traits of an
Algerian may or may not exhibit the physical
traits. (larger body, longer nose and larger
ears) Since the two species have been interbred
to produce the domestic hedgehog, the only true
trait of the Algerian species left is the colour
as this does not mix with the colours of the
White-Bellied species.
Algerian coloured hedgehogs can be easily
distinguished by looking at the "eye" or "cheek"
patches as shown on the left. If the hedgehog
has cheek patches, then the hedgehog in question
is in the Algerian colour range. If it does not,
then the hedgehog is in the White-Bellied range.
This is a far more accurate means of
identification than the older method of looking
for "cream" or off-white coloured quills, rather
than the white quills of the White-Bellied
Spines are cream, banded by black with rust edges. The banding extends almost to the tip of the spines. The skin is almost jet black. The face mask is extensive and extends from beneath the eyes almost to the quill line beneath the ears.
The overall appearance is that of rust-coloured spines.
All other features are the same as BLACK ALGERIAN.
Spines are cream, banded by black with rust edges. The banding extends almost to the tip of the spines. The skin is almost jet black. The face mask is extensive and extends from beneath the eyes almost to the quill line beneath the ears.
The overall appearance is that of rust-coloured spines.
All other features are the same as BLACK ALGERIAN.
Spines are cream, banded by black with rust edges. The skin is heavily mottled. The overall appearance is that of rust and cream coloured spines. The nose is black, the face has a dark mask and the cheek patches are a deep, golden-brown.
Spines are cream, banded by black with rust edges. The skin is heavily mottled. The overall appearance is that of rust and cream coloured spines. The nose is black, the face has a dark mask and the cheek patches are a deep, golden-brown.
Spines are cream, banded by chocolate-brown. The skin is near-black, the mask is medium brown and the eye patches are brown to rich golden-brown. Mottling of the underbelly is extensive. The nose is dark, chocolate brown.
Spines are cream, banded by chocolate-brown. The skin is near-black, the mask is medium brown and the eye patches are brown to rich golden-brown. Mottling of the underbelly is extensive. The nose is dark, chocolate brown.
Spines are cream, banded by light brown. The skin is dark gray, the mask is medium brown with light golden brown cheek patches. There is light mottling of the underbelly. The nose is chocolate brown.
Spines are cream, banded by light brown. The skin is dark gray, the mask is medium brown with light golden brown cheek patches. There is light mottling of the underbelly. The nose is chocolate brown.
Quills are cream, banded by rich cinnamon-orange. The skin is gray, the mask is pale with light brown cheek patches and the nose is chocolate brown with liver highlights. There is light mottling of the underbelly
Quills are cream, banded by rich cinnamon-orange. The skin is gray, the mask is pale with light brown cheek patches and the nose is chocolate brown with liver highlights. There is light mottling of the underbelly
Quills are cream, banded by dark cinnamon-orange spines as well as a small number of dark apricot banded spines. The skin is gray, the mask is pale with light brown cheek patches and the nose is liver, mottled with chocolate brown. There is no mottling of the underbelly.
Quills are cream, banded by dark cinnamon-orange spines as well as a small number of dark apricot banded spines. The skin is gray, the mask is pale with light brown cheek patches and the nose is liver, mottled with chocolate brown. There is no mottling of the underbelly.
Quills are cream, banded equally by cinnamon-orange spines and dark apricot banded spines. The skin is gray, the mask is pale with light brown cheek patches and the nose is liver, mottled lightly with chocolate brown. There is no mottling of the underbelly.
Quills are cream, banded equally by cinnamon-orange spines and dark apricot banded spines. The skin is gray, the mask is pale with light brown cheek patches and the nose is liver, mottled lightly with chocolate brown. There is no mottling of the underbelly.
Quills are cream, banded by pale orange. The skin is pink with a very pale hint of gray. There is no mask but there are very pale orange-brown cheek patches. The nose is pink with a pale liver rim. There is no mottling of the underbelly.
Quills are cream, banded by pale orange. The skin is pink with a very pale hint of gray. There is no mask but there are very pale orange-brown cheek patches. The nose is pink with a pale liver rim. There is no mottling of the underbelly.
Spines are interspersed approximately 50/50 by solid cream quills with no bands and banded quills with chocolate-brown. The skin is near-black, the mask is medium brown and the cheek patches are brown to rich golden-brown. Mottling of the underbelly is extensive. The nose is dark, chocolate brown.
Spines are interspersed approximately 50/50 by solid cream quills with no bands and banded quills with chocolate-brown. The skin is near-black, the mask is medium brown and the cheek patches are brown to rich golden-brown. Mottling of the underbelly is extensive. The nose is dark, chocolate brown.
Spines are interspersed approximately 50/50 by solid cream quills with no bands and banded quills with an equal mix of cinnamon-orange spines and dark apricot banded spines. The face is masked with orange cheek patches.
The underbelly is white with some pale mottling possible. The eyes are black.
Skin on the shoulders is gray-pink.
The nose is mottled with brown and gray-pink.
Spines are interspersed approximately 50/50 by solid cream quills with no bands and banded quills with an equal mix of cinnamon-orange spines and dark apricot banded spines. The face is masked with orange cheek patches.
The underbelly is white with some pale mottling possible. The eyes are black.
Skin on the shoulders is gray-pink.
The nose is mottled with brown and gray-pink.
Quills are cream, banded by pale orange. The skin is pink with a very pale hint of gray. The face may be masked by very light orange cheek patches.
The underbelly is white.
Skin on the shoulders is gray- pink. The eyes are black.
The nose is gray-pink.
Quills are cream, banded by pale orange. The skin is pink with a very pale hint of gray. The face may be masked by very light orange cheek patches.
The underbelly is white.
Skin on the shoulders is gray- pink. The eyes are black.
The nose is gray-pink.
Between 95 and 97% of the spines are solid white. The remainder are white, banded by dark chocolate-brown.
The skin over the shoulders is dark gray.
The face is masked by light brown with a golden-brown cheek patch. The eyes are black.
Mottling of the underbelly may be seen.
The nose is chocolate-brown.
Between 95 and 97% of the spines are solid white. The remainder are white, banded by dark chocolate-brown.
The skin over the shoulders is dark gray.
The face is masked by light brown with a golden-brown cheek patch. The eyes are black.
Mottling of the underbelly may be seen.
The nose is chocolate-brown.
Agar standard
warna yang dipakai sesuai dengan standard international,
Foto-foto diatas sebagian
besar berasal dari
Gan pasaran apricot berapa